Monday, July 22, 2013

Climb to Indian Head

The man and I went hiking up Indian Head mountain this weekend. It was about a five mile hike. It took us all afternoon to climb the 1500'+ up and then down. We saw some beautiful sites. Like this lovely view of the Catskills.

Yeah, we did get rained on a little.

We also saw three snakes. Including this guy.

I nearly stepped on his friend when we came upon a sunny rock over looking the mountains. We wanted to stop and eat our lunch there, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw a snake slither into the bushes, which prompted us to look around a little and that's when we saw this fellow. I believe this and the other snake are both harmless garter snakes, but we weren't sure at the time. Plus that first snake ended up coming right back out of the bushes to check us out, so we felt like we were encroaching on their territory. 

We saw another snake at the next vista, which I think was probably a ribbon snake because it had yellow stripes. But any way you cut it, these snakes really messed up our lunch plans. We had to stop in the woods on a damp, shady rock. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

She swims!

My at home screenprinting screen has dried and today I printed this lil tote bag with my mermaid screen!

A few details got left out and I had to paint them on by hand, so I think in the long run, she is too detailed to make a great at-home screen. Plus, don't her hands look a little weird?

I think next is trying out the leaf design!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

At home screenprinting

 I've been reading tutorials around the interwebs and in books about at home screen printing and decided to try my hand at the embroidery hoop + mod podge method.

I've read this method is great for a quick and easy screen, but not so good for fine details. I drew out two designs. One is of a mermaid and one is a set of leaves (which I think will make a nice repeating pattern). The mermaid is drying now. Can't wait to see if she will print well!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ready for Hollywood

Finished the camera man's bag!

This might actually be the most well-made bag I've ever finished! I'm quite proud. The only thing I would fix for the next iteration is to do something different with the interior seams.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Temporary studio

Luckily the man and I were able to stumble into a great temporary housing situation. I've been working on the custom bag for my camera-man friend here.

It's so good to be sewing again!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Necessities for a mad genius

A friend who works in the film industry asked me to make him a custom tote bag to hang on his camera cart. And since I am back in New York for a hot second, it means I get to enjoy all the tools of a true mad genius - tiny pencils, double sided sewing tape, and Saranac beer. Bring on the custom orders!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

When you are in a long distance relationship...

... sometimes you forget things, like how nice it is to fall asleep on the couch holding hands.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Back in New York!

Some unfortunate personal matters have brought me back to New York State for a visit. While the circumstances are rather sad, I am very happy to be back to enjoy a little bit of New York summer. It's so delightfully warm and humid!

If you are making any purchases from my new Etsy shop, Make Or Break, please read item descriptions carefully. Some items I don't have with me and will have to be shipped when I return to the UK 1 August.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

When you are in a long distance relationship...

... sometimes you forget things, like how nice it is to brush your teeth while he takes a poo.