Thursday, May 16, 2013


After a very long, dreary winter, the sun is shinning again. Spring has finally sprung in the UK, and with it all the perfumes of renewing life. 

We put on a Wedding event at work this weekend and there were some flowers left over. I was lucky enough to snag two bouquets. They look lovely on my lil mantel piece, even if they are in pint glasses!

 I had no idea that tulips would open up like this!

Our neighbors have amazing lilacs that drape down over our front door. Their amazing fragrance is enough to drive a person mad. I keep a branch of these on my desk at home and very nearly get drunk on their loveliness.  

Our back garden has come alive with beautiful flowers and birds.

The beautiful tree across the street from our house has dropped all its petals into this lovely carpet.

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