Friday, August 2, 2013


So I took a lil break from the blog to spend a week in Maine with the man.

We spent a couple of days at a great lil cabin on a lake near Farmington, ME.

The porch was literally on the water and had a rope swing.  We spent several glorious days, swimming in the clear, cool water of the lake, eating amazing food lovingly prepared by friends, and doing lots of laughing.

On day 4, we left the lake and headed to the coast while our friends headed home. We camped out in Acadia for a few days, hiking and sailing around the area. We even got to sail on the oldest Friendship sloop still sailing.

Our cruise was captained by a pleasant, relaxed fellow, tan from head to toe with brown hair baking to blonde. We shared it with the two oldest guys in Maine and a couple from North Carolina who have been chewing nicotine gum for 11 years after "quitting cigarettes." It was a colorful trip to say the least.

It started raining on Desert Island after 3 days there, so we headed south with no particular plan, but learned en route from a terrific radio station that one of our favorite bands, Father John Misty, was playing in Portland. We bought tickets and drove down. The show was great - he has an incredible voice - though he seems tired of touring and singing the same songs.

After the show, we sat outside on a giant concrete planter, bemoaning our inevitable fate of staying at a Super 8 or other somesuch, when out of nowhere the man recognized an old sailing buddy riding his bicycle down the street. After a quick catch up, it was clear we had found a place to stay and a fabulous host.

After a terrific evening, we extended our vacation by several days to hang out with our host and his friends as they showed us all around Portland. We ate lots of good food and swam in the ocean.

Could not have asked for a better trip!

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