Monday, September 2, 2013

Inspiration: Liz Clark

I guess it's always hard when you are in a new place. You don't have a community yet. You don't have friends to help you laugh and de-stress. I have definitely felt like I have had some pretty depressed moments here in London. But some people make it look really easy. Like this gal, Liz Clark.

She's so inspiring! I stumbled on her blog while looking around at surfing stuff. She is a professional soul surfer who seeks out waves from her sailboat - solo. She sailed around the Pacific and logged stories from her journey along the way in her blog. I spent a couple of hours going through the backlog, and it's well worth it if you need reminding about the infinite possibilities of life.

The idea of sailing anywhere alone is pretty intimidating to me, never mind traveling in a totally foreign place alone. There's just so much to go wrong on a boat. But she doesn't seem fazed.

I have been reading a lot about healthy relationships and realizing that I need and want to be a stronger person. Reading Liz's blog definitely gave me someone to look up to.

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